A week at The Innovation Hub in talks for global Innovation | The Innovation Hub
A Week At The Innovation Hub In Talks For Global Innovation

[27 March 2019]

The Innovation Hub hosts the 2nd day of the Calestous Juma Executive Dialogue

On 26 March, The Innovation Hub hosted the Calestous Juma Executive Dialogue (CJEDIET) on Innovation and Emerging Technologies, which is an initiative of the NEPAD Agency. The thre day dialogue is designed to provide a good opportunity for learning and exchange of knowledge, networking, experiencing diversity and building mutually beneficial relationships with a focus on emerging technologies in the 21st century, specifically for senior policy and decision makers who have strategic and leadership responsibilities.

The Dialogue intends to address both challenges and opportunities that African countries face on this continent, by providing participants with a deep understanding of the complexities of harnessing emerging technologies in Africa within a global context. Institutional strengthening is a component of the Dialogue, and in this breath The Innovation Hub was cited as valuable and appropriate feature in the Dialogues programme, for its position as a catalyzer of innovation, not only in provincially but nationally too. The primary objective of the Dialogue is to strengthen the capacity of senior policy and decision-makers to provide technical advice to African governments in assessing and harnessing emerging technologies in their respective institutions and organisations. This level of engagement and the insight which it provides will further enable them to provide evidence-based policy choices for African leaders in making informed decisions in harnessing emerging technologies.

The Dialogue, hosted at The Innovation Hub on the second day of the international forum, introduced the objectives and mandate of the CJEDIET  to the delegates representing 22 countries from across Africa. Because of its responsibility in the province, that of providing knowledge based solutions to national social challenges, The Innovation Hub is well positioned to lead and contribute to dialogues that focus on identifying opportunities for collaboration, partnerships and technological developments designed to provide Africa with African solutions.


Policy and Innovation: Finland talks innovation with The Innovation Hub

The conversation with Ms. Johanna Juselius on  28 March, Ms. Johanna Juselius was hosted by The Innovation Hub in a conversation which   focussed on planning for, managing, and guiding the impending rise of technology based industries, and the role of Science Parks in his strategic endeavour.

Finland recently reviewed their Regional Development Strategy of Helsinki, and similarly South Africa resolved to revise the existing Gauteng Innovation and Knowledge Economy Strategy (GIKES), in order to develop a new innovation strategy for the Province. An indication that Governments are indeed responding to the rapid emergence of technological advancements, and subsequently shaping the way in which technology can be used as an instrument for collective and inclusive industrial growth.

The discussion interrogated South Africa’s Innovation Policy and Smart Specialisation landscape with special emphasis on the Gauteng Province, and explored possible opportunities for collaboration between the Gauteng Province and the Helsinki region